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Luadch example of regging bots

Posted: 01 Feb 2008, 08:19
by Toast
Luadch can reg bots now, here is a demonstration how to create an op chat (you need some knowledge of the adc protocol):

Code: Select all

hub:regBot{ nick = "[ Bot ] OpChat", desc = "chatroom for operators",    --// nick and description of the bot for the userlist
	client = function( this, cmd )    --// client is a function, which will be called on every incoming message ( also messages of other bots )
		local bot_sid = this:getSid( )    --// this is the bot object which has a sid like every other user 
		local user_sid = cmd:mySid( )    --// extract the originator sid  from the command 
		local user = hub:getUser{ sid = user_sid }    --// get the user object of the originator 
		if not user or user:isBot( ) or user:getRank( ) < 4 then return end    --// dont allow messages from other bots or non-operators		
		if cmd:fourcc( ) == "EMSG" then    --// EMSG means private message to bot
			local to_sid = cmd:getNP( "PM", "array" )[ 1 ]    --// get body of named parameter "PM" ( is the sid for reply ) 
			cmd:changeNP( "PM", bot_sid, to_sid )    --// insert bot sid         
			for sid, user in pairs( hub:getUsers( ) ) do 
				if user:getRank( ) >= 4 then 	
					user:send( cmd:adcString( ) )    --// send adc command to all operators	
		return true