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ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 09:22
by SysMan
Hello there!

I looking for example of authentication in the ADC protocol, messages from Hub and Client. Can someone help me ?

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 10:24
by Pietry
Hub asks for password, and sends a salt:
IGPA salt
Client sends back
HPAS password
password is hash(plain password + salt )
Hub checks password and if they match client is authenticated

Hope it helps !

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 11:35
by SysMan
Pietry wrote:Hub asks for password, and sends a salt:
IGPA salt
Client sends back
HPAS password
password is hash(plain password + salt )
Hub checks password and if they match client is authenticated

Hope it helps !
Fine! Thanks!

Can I ask you to provide a some trace (by TCPDUMP for example)?

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 13:20
by Pietry
You can do it on windows for example by using wireshark and just connect to some adc hub where you got a passworded account

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:08
by SysMan
Pietry wrote:You can do it on windows for example by using wireshark and just connect to some adc hub where you got a passworded account
Cool. Do you known any ADC hub with authentication, which public available ?

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:12
by Toast
Just download a hub and set up an account and wireshark the whole thing

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:13
by Toast
How to simply connect to some ADC hub.

Socket Connection = Initiate_new_connection ( hostname, port) ; lets assume that we have a new ;TCP blocking socket to the hostname and port which should be the adc hub we want to connect to
if Connection=null
Abort ; oups, cant connect

Connection.write "HSUP ADBASE<cr>" ; this is the initial minimal greeting that the client should always ;send first
String Greeting = Connection.getLine ; getting the initial greeting, note that any getLine call should ;have a set timeout
; Greeting should be something like ISUP ADBASE
parsing... ; here, the string should be parsed to see what the hub supports
if not Greeting contains ADBASE
Abort ; doesnt support base

String mySID = Connection.getLine ; getting the line ISID mysid
parsing... ; get the SID from the mySID string
String Information = Connection.getLine ; getting the IINF
parsing... ; get the hubname and so on from the line, IINF NIhubname DEtopic ;VEhubsoftwareversion
;now need to send our own information
Connection.write "BINF " sid " ID" mycid " PD" mypid " NI" mynick " HN" my hubs normal " HO" my hubs op " HR" my hubs reg " VE" myclientversion " SU" whatmyclientsupports.. etc
String info=null
while info not equals myinf
newuserinfo= Connection.getLine; a line for each new user
;until you get your own info back,
;thats it, youre now in NORMAL state.

Re: ADC Authentication - example

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 14:35
by SysMan
Guys, thanks for the advices, but I don't want "download and setup a ADC Hub and play", as I wrote - I developing ADC Hub under OpenVMS. At the time I have some beta version up & running, now I'd like to implement authentication...