I'm generating the Tiger hash with the Delphi Encryption Compendium (a well-respected cryptographic suit for Delphi) so I'm reasonably confident that the hashing algorithm isn't the problem.
I've written BinToBase32 and Base32ToBin functions which convert between UTF-8 and Base32 string encodings. They also add 0's to the end of the binary representation of the string if the length of it is not divisible by 5 (for BinToBase32) or 8 (for Base32ToBin) to make it encode properly . Once again, I'm reasonably sure the 2 functions work properly as I can convert a string back and forth with no difference to the original (except letters on the end due to the padding). I can provide the source for them if needed.
When hashing the password and random data I use the following function:
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function HashADCPassword(key : string; pass : UTF8String): string;
Result := BinToBase32(THash_Tiger.CalcBinary(pass + Base32ToBin(key), TFormat_Copy));
As far as I understand the ADC spec, this is the proper way of computing the hash to send back to the hubsoft.
However, with another client I recorded this with a password of 'none':
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Code: Select all
I'm probably doing something really small wrong, but I've been stewing over it for a few days now and getting nowhere so I figured I'd ask for help.
PS: I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, feel free to move it if it isn't.