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NetChatLink Alpha 6

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 06:46
by pR0Ps
NetChatLink Alpha 6

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NetChatLink is a small application that links chats across multiple DC hubs and IRC channels. It includes support for the ADC protocol, IRC channel keys, chat filtering, per-user settings, op commands, and more. It is a fork of MyIrcDcLinks by Burek.


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NetChatLink Alpha 6 - Feature additions
Fix: Bug in channel parsing (trailing comma)
Fix: Bot now recognizes when it is signed in on NMDC hubs that don't support 'LOGEDIN'
Fix: Dynamic user list could be edited (no effect on backend data)
Fix: Rare crash on userlist cleaning
Fix: Tab order
Added: Dynamic PID (generated on first run)
Added: Ability to connect to enabled connections on startup
Added: Ability to run custom commands on IRC connect
Added: Help tooltips (hover over things to see them)
Added: Main program window can now be resized, minimized, maximized, etc.
Added: Update feature (click the 'Check for Updates' button)
Added: Update check at startup (can be disabled via the XML file)
Removed: Option for custom IRC description (is now consistant with DC)
Change: Filtered words are now *d out instead of discarding the entire message
Change: Data is now saved in a single XML file (old saves will automatically be converted until v1.0)
Change: Project now advertizes itself when you send the '.about' command
Change: Non-controllers can use the '.about' command.
Change: Default share is now 10GB instead of 1GB (still user-configurable)
Change: UnEscape efficiency boost
Change: GUI tweaks (sizes/tab order)
Change: Increased form display speed by moving code out of the constructor.

NetChatLink Alpha 5 - Bugfixes and ADC Password support
Fix: Widestring usernames now appear properly in user control panel
Fix: Error on password field left blank in ADC
Fix: Error when recieving a QUI command
Added: Can now be registered in ADC hubs (password hashing works properly)

NetChatLink Alpha 4 - A lot of changes, probably a few bugs
Fix: Will no longer respond to hub-described bots in ADC (unless you override it)
Fix: Now sends messages to chats that are connected, even if they aren't enabled
Fix: Crash on uninitilized ADC SID array in certain cases
Fix: Character encoding bugs
Fix: Links command now shows all connected connections, not enabled ones
Fix: Messages will no longer send from connections that are not fully connected
Fix: Memory leak
Fix: Connections can no longer have the same name (caused problems with ini parsing)
Fix: Tab ordering and alt+character shortcuts
Added: Extensible framework for storing user information
Added: Save and clear options for debug log
Added: Seperate queue and rate control for PMs and mainchat messages
Added: Ability to ignore PMs and mainchat from users
Added: GUI interface for managing users (User control panel)
Added: Hub user quit detection (Remove from OPList/SID table)
Added: Error messages for incomplete connection information
Change: Connections are now sorted by name
Change: ADC blocked, OPs and controlling users now based off name, not SID
Change: Better layout when using links command
Change: Made main GUI easier to use/understand (merged Add and Update together)
Change: Ignoring users to blocking users
Change: Hub now disconnects when updating it to apply settings

NetChatLink Alpha 3 - IRC fixes
Fix: NickServ IDENTIFY parameters corrected
Fix: When post rate was 0 no messages would send.
Fix: Joining multiple IRC channels with channel key(s) present
Fix: Stripping channel keys out of channel text
Added: All Chan/NickServ messages are sent to debug messages
Added: More specific error messages
Added: Flexible channel list parser

NetChatLink Alpha 2 - Working out the ADC kinks and some new features
Fix: ADC OP SIDs are loaded on connect
Fix: Displaying the oplist of an ADC hub now outputs the nicks, not the SIDs
Fix: ADC Multiline messages now sent properly when sending in one line chunks
Added: Per-connection option to control minimum time between chat messages (anti-flood)
Added: Multiline messages can now be sent one chat message per line
Added: Status icon for disabled connection (will still change if manually connected to)

NetChatLink Alpha 1 - Bugfixes, changes and feature additions from codebase
Fix: Empty NMDC '$Support' command not supported by some hubsofts, changed to '$Support NoHello NoGetInfo'
Fix: Sending a chat message while a connection wasn't fully logged in would cause problems. Chats are now locked until they're ready to recieve messages
Fix: Escaped <-> Unescaped conversions (ADC <-> NMDC)
Added: Hubs and IRC channels are now identified by name
Added: IRC channel keys are now supported
Added: Debug log
Added: ADC compatibility
Added: GUI improvements (Adding a new connection selects it, deleting a connection selects the next item)
Added: More status icons (off or error/connecting/connected and logged in)
Added: About tab
Change: GUI size is now limited
Change: Prefix is now completely up to the user (WYSIWYG, no extra characters)
Change: Cleaner message display format (Used to be '<Bot> {Prefix}Nick: Msg', is now '<Bot> <PrefixNick> Msg')
Change: Message is not broadcasted by default anymore in code (procedure must be called)
Change: Disabled GUI items when they have no effect (for clarity)

NetChatLink PreAlpha - Initial codebase
Have a bug report or feature request? Let me know.