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Luadch Motd Variables

Posted: 31 Dec 2008, 17:03
by Toast

Code: Select all


          etc_motd.lua v0.04 by ATAG
          - this script sends a message stored in a file to connecting users
          - this version allows replacing of variables:
             %[nick]      - user nick
             %[ip]      - user IP
             %[desc]      - user description
             %[email]   - user e-mail address
             %[share]   - user share
             %[slots]   - user slots
             %[class]   - user class (based on script levels)
             %[hubname]   - name of the hub
             %[users]   - online users
          based on etc_motd.lua v0.03 by blastbeat


    --// settings begin //--

    local motd = [[Üdv a %[hubname] hubon. Online felhasználók: %[users]

    Ha megtetszett a hub, felveheted a kedvencek közé a /fav paranccsal.

    !help   - Segítség
    !rules   - Szabályzat
    !faq      - Gyakran Ismérelt Kérdések (Gy.I.K)

    A hub biztonságos címen is elérhető: adcs://


    Név: %[nick]
    Class: %[class]
    Megosztás: %[share]
    Slotok: %[slots]
    IP: %[ip]

    --// settings end //--

    local cfg_get = cfg.get

    local hub_getbot = hub.getbot
    local hub_getusers = hub.getusers
    local hub_escapefrom = hub.escapefrom

    local string_format = string.format

    local online = 0

    local getusers = function( )
       online = 0
       for i in pairs( hub_getusers( ) ) do
          online = online + 1
    local function getclass( level )
       local tClass = {
          [0] = "Unreg",

          [10] = "Guest",

          [20] = "Reg",

          [30] = "VIP",

          [40] = "SVIP",

          [60] = "Operator",

          [80] = "Admin",

          [100] = "Owner"
       return tClass[ level ] or tClass[0]

    local size = function( int )
       local t, i = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB" }, 1
       while i < #t and int >= 1024 do
          int = int / 1024
          i = i + 1
       return string_format( "%.2f", int ) .. " " .. t[ i ]

    local tReplace = {
       ["%[nick]"] = function( user ) return hub_escapefrom( user:nick( ) ) end,
       ["%[ip]"] = function( user ) return user:ip( ) end,
       ["%[desc]"] = function( user ) return  user:description( ) or "" end,
       ["%[email]"] = function( user ) return user:email( ) or "" end,

       ["%[share]"] = function( user ) return size( user:share( ) ) end,

       ["%[slots]"] = function( user ) return user:slots( ) end,
       ["%[class]"] = function( user ) return getclass( user:level( ) ) end,
       ["%[hubname]"] = function( ) return cfg_get( "hub_name" ) end,
       ["%[users]"] = function( ) return online end

    hub.setlistener( "onLogin", { },

        function( user )
           local msg = motd:gsub( "(%%%b[])", function( s ) return tReplace[ s ] and tReplace[ s ]( user ) or s end )

            user:reply( msg, hub_getbot( ) )

            return nil



    hub.setlistener( "onTimer", { },
       function( )
          getusers( )
          return nil

    hub.debug( "** Loaded etc_motd.lua **" )