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Luadch Googlebot 0.5

Posted: 17 Jan 2009, 15:24
by Toast

Code: Select all

    --| googlebot.lua version 0.5    07-12-2005 |--
    --| API2 |--
    --| GoogleBot |--
    --| Author: ZeroSleep |--
    --| e-mail: more (dot) caffiene (at) gmail (dot) com |--
    --| |--
    --| Added: torrent search by ATAG |--
    --| Luadch version by ATAG  10.01.2009 |--

    local Config = {}
    ----------------- Setup Start ---------------- = "ghelp"
    Config.botname = "Google"
    ----------------- Setup End ------------------

    local scriptname = "ldch_googlebot.lua"
    local utf_match = utf.match
    local hub_getbot = hub.getbot

    local function onGoogle( user, command, parameters )
       local filetype, searchstring = utf.match( parameters, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)$" )
       if searchstring then
          searchstring = searchstring:gsub("%s", "+")
          return nil
       if filetype == "torrent" then
          user:reply( "Search results:\r\n"..
          "Google's result:\r\n"..searchstring.."\r\n"..
          "\r\nIf none of the links give you good results, try a different search string :)",  hub_getbot( ), hub_getbot( ) )
          user:reply( "Try these links:\r\n"..
          "If the first one does not give good results, try the others.\r\n"..
          "5. (usually this does not work with medial files, but otherwise it does)\r\n"..
          "\r\nIf none of the links give you good results, try a different search string :)",  hub_getbot( ), hub_getbot( ) )
       return PROCESSED

    local function onGhelp( user )
       user:reply( "The following "..Config.botname.." commands are there for you:\r\n"..
          "\r\n\t+"" - Gives help\r\n"..
          "\t+google <filetype> <keyword> - This command generates 4 Google links for you.\r\n"..
          "\tE. g. if you search for mp3's from Megadeth, you have to enter something like this:\r\n"..
          "\t\t+google mp3 megadeth\r\n"..
          "\tIf you would like to use more keywords, they have to be separated by a + sign::\r\n"..
          "\t\t+google avi saw+3\r\n"..
          "\tLinks you get as result will point to AVIs that contain the words 'saw' and '3' in the filenames.", hub_getbot( ), hub_getbot( ) )
       return PROCESSED


    hub.setlistener( "onStart", { },
        function( )
            local help = hub.import "cmd_help"
            if help then
                help.reg( "google", "[+!#]google <filetype> <keyword>", "gives some search link", 0 )    -- reg help
             help.reg(, "[+!#]", "googlebot help", 0 )    -- reg help
            local ucmd = hub.import "etc_usercommands"    -- add usercommand
            if ucmd then
                ucmd.add( { "Google Search\\Search for files" }, "google", { "%[line:filetype]", "%[line:keyword]" }, { "CT1" }, 0 )
             ucmd.add( { "Google Search\\Help" },, { }, { "CT1" }, 0 )
            local hubcmd = hub.import "etc_hubcommands"    -- add hubcommand
            assert( hubcmd )
            assert( hubcmd.add( "google", onGoogle ) )
          assert( hubcmd.add(, onGhelp ) )
            return nil

    hub.debug( "** Loaded " .. scriptname .. ".lua **" )